Aluminum (left) and wood. Click on images to hear samples.


A set of impact sounds that were produced using four rods with the same length and diameter but made of different materials. A wooden rod, with a much shorter length but the same diameter, was used as a mallet. Several impacts were recorded for each rod, and the location of the impacts as well as the impact force varied slightly from one instance to the other. The sounds were digitized using a sampling frequency of 44100 Hz.


The sounds included here are impacts on the edge or center of the rods. These are in Matlab files with one matrix with a sound in each column. For more sounds of this type (but from rods with other lengths, etc.) please contact Sofia.

darkEdgeBakerAligned.mat - matrix of sounds from impacts on the edge of a steel rod.
darkCenterBakerAligned.mat - matrix of sounds from impacts on the center of a steel rod.
blueEdgeBakerAligned.mat - matrix of sounds from impacts on the edge of a zinc plated steel rod.
blueCenterBakerAligned.mat - matrix of sounds from impacts on the center of a zinc plated steel rod.
woodEdgeBakerAligned.mat - matrix of sounds from impacts on the edge of a wooden rod.
woodCenterBakerAligned.mat - matrix of sounds from impacts on the center of a wooden rod.
alEdgeBakerAligned.mat - matrix of sounds from impacts on the edge of an aluminum rod.
alEdgeBakerAlignedPartII.mat - matrix with some more sounds from impacts on the edge of an aluminum rod.
alCenterBakerAligned.mat - matrix of sounds from impacts on the center of an aluminum rod.


We thank Lori Holt for providing access to a sound boot (in Carnegie Mellon University) and Vivienne Ming for help recording the sounds.

If you use this data set, please cite the following paper:
S. Cavaco and M. S. Lewicki, Statistical Modeling of Intrinsic Structures in Impact Sounds, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 121, n. 6, pages 3558-3568, June 2007.


Coming soon...