RE'17 Photos
You can now remember the amazing times we had in Lisbon! Find the photos of RE'17 in the following links:
You can now remember the amazing times we had in Lisbon! Find the photos of RE'17 in the following links:
Thank you for coming to RE'17 in Lisbon, Portugal! RE'18 will be in Banff, Canada, August 20-24, 2018. Mark your calendar!
REConnect is the RE'17 discussion tool, a password-protected collaborative environment. Login to REConnect, and you can read and comment on paper abstracts, or leave your testimony on your RE conference experience toward the Silver Jubilee celebration.
The registration desk will open on Sunday, September 3rd, 2017: 17:00 - 20:30 at the Reitoria of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (see the Conference Venue) for those who want to avoid the Monday morning rush. During the rest of the week, the registration desk will be available in that same area.
Due to several requests, the Early Registration deadline is extended to August 2nd, AoE
A flavor of RE by Portuguese industry.
We are pleased to announce RE@PT 2017 as co-located event at RE'17!
Please check the web page for more details.
If you need help to support your costs to attend RE'17, you can apply to an IEEE grant! Check here!
Lisbon is currently a tourist hot spot! We advise early hotel bookings.
You can see the recommended hotels here.
Accepted papers can be found here.
PC meeting for the research track has finished, and 27 papers were accepted!
Information about the accepted papers will be added soon.
The Doctoral Symposium will offer two travel grants (sponsored by the International Requirements Engineering Board – IREB e.V.) to students that have problems financing their trip to the IEEE RE Doctoral Symposium. The two travel grants comprise a funding of 500€ each. The submission of your research abstract and the application for the travel grant are separate processes. The detailed information on how to apply for the travel grant are now announced on the Doctoral Symposum page.
We are happy to announce RE'17 is now accepting applications for student volunteers!
Please check the Student Volunteers page for more details.
The RE Conference is celebrating its 25th edition! We are inviting submissions for a Special RE Session - The RE Silver Jubilee.
Please check the RE Silver Jubilee page for more details.
We are happy to announce Betty Cheng and Romana Oehmig as keynote speakers at RE'17!
Please check the Keynote Speakers page for more details.
We are happy to announce Ian Sommerville as a keynote speaker at RE'17!
Please check the Keynote Speakers page for more details.
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Requirements Engineering Journal.
Sample data sets and four industry-relevant challenges are now available!
Please look at Call for Data Track Papers for more details.