Hotel reservation at SWERC'2006

About the Hotel reservation

Hotel Costa da Caparica and the SWERC 2006 Organizing Committee welcome you to SWERC'2006. In this page, as a coach of participant teams, you can fill in and send a room request form, specifying the required number of rooms of each type, arrival date, and number of days you will stay at the hotel. Your request will be sent to the Hotel Costa da Caparica reservation desk. The status of all reservation requests will be made available in the SWERC 2006 Reservation status page.

You should use this form to gain access to the special rate for SWERC'2006 participants.

Hotel reservation form

The coach (person who is going to pay the hotel) of each team should take care of the reservations for her/him and the team.

Click here to make your hotel reservation.

What happens next?

The Hotel Reservation Desk will check the availability of the requested rooms. We will keep a page with the SWERC 2006 Reservation status. Note that upon sending your reservation request, an automatic email is sent back to you with your request data. If you do not receive that email within a reasonable amount of time, please notify SWERC's webmaster. Unfortunately, some anti-spam filters confuse these automatic replies with spam.

You will be contacted by email, or fax, if further arrangements are required for the reservation (e.g. if you ask for a room type which is no longer available).