Linguagens e Ambientes de Programação (2014/2015) [Eng.Inf. - DI/FCT/UNL]

Enunciado do 3º Projeto Prático (JavaScript)



Regras de submissão

Goals of the project

Please, develop this JavaScript/HTML program in a object-oriented style. Organize your program as a decentralized community of autonomous objects that interact through messages. Furthermore, factorize your classes and write extensible code: think that in the future, we may want to add new kinds of actors as easily as possible. One challenge for you is to discover how to write a program involving multiple entities interacting in different ways, without compromising the extensibility of the code (cf. lecture 22.)

This project consists in the implementation of a game to run in a Web page. You will need to create an HTML form containing a large canvas plus some more elements like buttons and text boxes. The game runs inside the canvas. The elements surrounding the canvas allow the user to act over the game (e.g. a "Start Level" button to starts the game at a particular level), and to display information about the game (e.g. the current time, the number os remaining lives, the current level, the inventory, etc.).

We offer you, as a starting point for your work, these two files: Gold.html and Gold.js. There is also the file Gold0.js that you must use but not change. The HTML file already includes the two JavaScript files.

The code available in the files "Gold0.js" and "Gold.js" already provides everything you will need to deal with graphics, keyboard and animation events.

As for the file "Gold.html", the HTML form we offer is just a sketch that you should improve to create an useful interface.


"Gold !!!" It is a simple game that combines real-time action with strategy.

Our hero is a Bouncing Ball that moves on the screen continually, up and down. In addition to the Ball, there are various types of fixed actors that do not move: Boundary blocks, Colored bricks, Buckets of paint, Keys, Locks, Devils (evil beings), Inverters, and Gold pieces. The player only controls the horizontal component of the movement of the Ball. The vertical component is automatic.

At each level of the game, there are two different goals that you must be achieved in succession. The first is to capture all the Colored bricks. Only after that, you can begin to capture the Gold pieces.

You capture an actor by making the Ball collide with it, but this only succeeds under certain conditions. For example, to capture a Colored brick, we must first ensure that the Ball has the same color of the brick; you can change the color of the Ball by making it collide with a Bucket of paint with the right color.

An interesting aspect is the fact that there are areas of the screen protected by Locks. To open a Lock you must first capture a Key. But the color of the Keys are orange, so you must first change to orange before you can catch the Key.

Usually you try to avoid colliding with an Inverter because it reverses the roles of the left and right keyboard controls, making it hard for you to control the Ball. You need to catch a second Inverter to restore normal operation.

Finally, beware of the deadly Devils! This type of actor was invented to make your life miserable.

Goal and scores

At each level, the goal of the game is to take all the bricks and, after that, to take all the gold. This should be done as quick as possible, to maximize the final score. Each type of captured actor worth a number of points.

A Ball starts with 3 lives. When you complete a level, you pass to the next level.

The player has at his disposal the maximum time of two minutes to complete each level. You lose a life if you can not complete the level within the time limit. On the other hand, there is a bonus for every second not used.

The score is determined as follows:

The Ball gains an extra life for every 200 points earned.

Losing a live

The Ball can lose a life for two reasons: because it collides with a Devil or because of the two minutes time limit has been reached.

When the Ball loses its last life, the game ends.

But if the Ball has still some lives available, the game resumes at the same level and state in which the loss of life occurred. This also means that the screen remains the same, the Ball keeps it inventory of caught objects in the current level, and the Ball keeps its points accumulated since the beginning of the game. The only things that changes is that the Ball reappears in the initial location (at the bottom of the screen near the right), with the initial color (light blue) and with two fresh minutes available.


The Bouncing Ball is controlled using the following keyboard keys:

The world

The world in which the game takes place is a rectangle of 14 x 14 places. The Ball appear in the screen as a colored circle with diameter 15 pixels. The rest of actors are rectangular with dimensions 45 x 30 pixels.

There are 5 different world maps in the file "Gold0.js". When the program starts, the map of the level 1 is loaded and the game begins.

Each map has a boundary of blocks that ensure that the Ball never escapes from the game rectangle.


In this section we present all the types of actors and describe their behavior.

Bouncing Ball

The Ball begins at a fixed position near the bottom right of the picture.

At the beginning of each level, the Ball is light blue. Since there are no Buckets of this color, the Ball needs to capture all the light blue bricks before changing its color for the first time. The Ball changes its color by colliding with a Bucket of paint with the desired color.

When the Ball collides with another actor, it always bounces back, no matter if there is a catch or not.

Boundary blocks

These are indestructible obstacles, which can not be captured by Ball.

Colored bricks

The Bouncing Ball captures a Brick if, at the time of the collision, both have the same color. In this case, the Brick disappears from the screen, and the score of the Ball is incremented.

Buckets of paint

If the Ball hits a Bucket, the Ball takes the color of the Bucket. The Bucket is not destroyed and remains in the scenario.


The Ball captures a Key if, at the time of the collision, (1) the Ball is orange and (2) does not own any Key yet. In this case, the Key disappears from the screen, the Ball adds the Key to its inventory, and the score of the Ball is incremented.


The Ball captures a Lock if, at the time of the collision, (1) the Ball is orange and (2) has a Key stored. In this case, the Lock disappears from the screen, the Key is removed from the inventory of the Ball, and the score of the Ball is incremented.


The Ball dies by colliding with a Devil. The Devil is not destroyed and remains in the scenario. The Ball loses a life.


When the Ball collides with an Inverter, the roles of the keyboard controls "left" and "right" is exchanged and this complicates the control of the Ball. The Inverter disappears from the scene, being captured by Ball. If the Ball already has an Inverter then the two Inverters cancels out mutually and no Inverter remains in the inventory..

Gold pieces

The Ball captures a Gold piece if, at the time of the collision, the Ball has already caught all Colored bricks. In this case, the Gold piece disappears from the scene and the score of the Ball is incremented. The color of the Ball is not relevant at the time of capturing gold.

The HTML form

Please, be ambitions in the implementation of the HTML form that contains the game canvas. You should be ambitions concerning both, the number of elements and aesthetics. Your only limit is your imagination.

You must include buttons that act over the game, allowing the user to start the game at some level, to change the speed, to pause the game, and so on.

You must also include data fiels showing many aspects of the internal state of the game: current level, current time in seconds, remaining lives, current speed, remaining bricks to be catched, remaining gold pieces to be catched, total number of colisions, and so on.

Around 20% of the grade will be related to the HTML form.

There is useful information about HTML forms and Web pages in the text of the lecture 19. Note also that a new example has just been added to the end of that text.

Unspecified parts of the program

You must respect the rules of the game and everything that is written in this document. However, there are some program details are not specified.

For example, this document does not say what happens when a game level finishes or the entire game ends. Nevertheless, you should make the program nice, intuitive and convenient to use.

The contents of the HTML form is not specified.

Do you want to add some extra feature to the game? We do not recommend this because you need time to the other courses. However, if you must, then make that extra feature require explicit activation using a button in the HTML form. This way, the grading process will not be disturbed.

Regras principais

Outras regras



Os docentes responsáveis pela gestão e pela avaliação deste trabalho são Artur Miguel Dias e Luís Carvalho.

A maior parte da nota será determinada de forma muito objetiva, testando o programa à mão e confirmando quais as funcionalidades implementadas.

Na parte mais subjetiva da apreciação da qualidade dos trabalhos serão tidos em conta aspetos, tais como:

Situação especial - Programa escrito num estilo orientado pelos objetos, mas viola as regras da aula teórica 22 que ensinam a fazer programas estensíveis. A nota máxima que é possível obter é 15 valores.


Bom trabalho! Esperamos que goste.