Sensoria: Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers, is an Integrated Project funded by the European Union program Information Society Technologies, a 6th framework programme as part of the Global Computing Initiative (September 1, 2005 - August 31, 2009).
The goal of Sensoria is to generalise the concept of service in
such a way that: it is independent from the particular global computer
and from any programming language; it can be described in a modular
way, so that security issues, quality of service measures and
behavioural guarantees are preserved under composition; it supports
dynamic, ad-hoc, "just-in-time" composition; it can be made part of
an integrated service-oriented approach to business modelling.
For this new concept of service for overlay computers,
researchers participating in the project shall develop: new
semantically well-defined modelling and programming primitives; new
powerful mathematical analysis and verification techniques and tools;
and novel model-based transformation and development techniques.
Participation of
António Ravara from the
Center for Logic and Computation
in the Portuguese site. The other researchers are from
Luís Caires,
Antónia Lopes,
Vasco Vasconcelos.
The work at CLC will focus on mathematical analysis techniques for
specifying and ensuring behavioural properties of services. The main
contributions are: (1) notions of types able of providing descriptions
of contract definitions and services composition; (2) type systems to
statically ensure safety properties of foundational calculi for
service-oriented computing.
For relevant publications by António Ravara, you can browse the repository of publications of the Center for Logic and Computation.
Last update: January 31, 2006.