Sensoria: Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers, is an Integrated Project funded by the European Union program Information Society Technologies, a 6th framework programme as part of the Global Computing Initiative (September 1, 2005 - August 31, 2009).

The goal of Sensoria is to generalise the concept of service in such a way that: it is independent from the particular global computer and from any programming language; it can be described in a modular way, so that security issues, quality of service measures and behavioural guarantees are preserved under composition; it supports dynamic, ad-hoc, "just-in-time" composition; it can be made part of an integrated service-oriented approach to business modelling.

For this new concept of service for overlay computers, researchers participating in the project shall develop: new semantically well-defined modelling and programming primitives; new powerful mathematical analysis and verification techniques and tools; and novel model-based transformation and development techniques.

Participation of António Ravara from the Center for Logic and Computation in the Portuguese site. The other researchers are from CITI: Luís Caires, Antónia Lopes, Vasco Vasconcelos.

The work at CLC will focus on mathematical analysis techniques for specifying and ensuring behavioural properties of services. The main contributions are: (1) notions of types able of providing descriptions of contract definitions and services composition; (2) type systems to statically ensure safety properties of foundational calculi for service-oriented computing.

For relevant publications by António Ravara, you can browse the repository of publications of the Center for Logic and Computation.

Last update: January 31, 2006.