Research guidelines

Doctoral Students

Research guidelines

Richard Hamming, "You and your research".

How to write your thesis.

How to read a paper.

How to review a paper.

Doctoral Students

  1. Filipa Peleja (2010-2015, Learning domain-specific sentiment lexicons with applications to recommender systems, PDF)
  2. André Mourão (2012-2017, Towards an Architecture for Efficient Distributed Search of Multimodal Information, PDF)
  3. Flávio Martins (2013-2018, Temporal Information Models for Real-Time Microblog Search, PDF)
  4. David Semedo (2016-2020, Bridging Vision and Language over Time with Neural Cross-modal Embeddings PDF)
  5. Carla Viegas (2016-...)
  6. Gustavo Gonçalves (2019-...)
  7. Paula Figueiredo (2020-...)